The Woodland Escape provides a much-needed escape from studies with its thoughtful selection of features. It has a large central platform where kids gather through the climbers and then go further up to enjoy the slides. The climbers include a Transfer Station, which provides an easy way up for all ages and abilities, and a Draw Bridge Climber, which thrill seekers will prefer. There’s also a Castle Rock Wall Climber that leads directly to a slide, and scaling it feels like climbing a rocky cliff. The central platform will also be a ground for socialization, thanks to the thoughtful placement of the Wheel of Activity Panel there. The Ball Maze Panel a little higher up, lets kids guide a ball through a maze while improving their focus in the process. For a fun way down, kids have two options, the Left Turn Slide and the Wave Slide. The Woodland Escape also engages a bunch of kids on the ground level with the Store Panel and Bench Panel.