The Wandering Wolf is made up of two sections. A main play structure and an area for younger children all on ground level. The Transfer Station offers a convenient way to access the upper platform and sit under the Multi Tree Topper, but if they want to challenge themselves then they can work their way up the Spiral Climber. A Parrot Topper watches over the fun as kids fly down the Straight Slide, or grab a friend and head down the Double Slide together. On the lower level, 2 Stump Window Panels are attached in a corner formation to create the impression of a house built into the side of a tree. The double Entry Archways make the doors, and there’s lots of fun to be had with the panels. The Gear Panel could become the way kids gain access to unlock the door of the house, and the Maze Panel has the potential to become a hidden treasure map. When kids want to challenge their friends, the Tic Tac Toe Panel comes in handy for developing basic gameplay intuition.