It’s important to keep kids fit and active, and with the Timms Hill play structure they’ll be able to work all of their muscle groups without even realizing it’s beneficial exercise. A Saddle Slide at one end works core muscles as children attempt to stay upright as they balance their way down, and a Standing Orbital Spinner will make children grip on tight as the spinning motion pushes them outwards. The Climber Attachment is the perfect way to get up onto the rock climbing walls thanks to its angled holes. The climbing wall sections are made up of a Craggy Climber Straight Section that links to a Craggy Climber Turn Section which provides a different challenge on each face, and finally a Craggy Climber End Section to help youngsters get accustomed to the rock face. Only the most daring children will attempt to get onto the Craggy climbing sections directly from the Curved Overhead Swinging Ring Ladder as they have to manage multiple motor functions at the same time to achieve it.