Spark Series Spelling Panel

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Product Specifications

Model Number PECKP033
Product Type Component Only

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

The Spark Series Spelling Panel is like a Wheel of Fortune for young spellmakers. It helps kids develop their vocabulary and guide those who struggle with spelling. Children can create different 3-letter word combinations using three plastic wheels. Wheel #1 has letters C, D, S, and H. Wheel #2 has vowels A, O, I, and E. Wheel #3 has consonants T, R, G, and N. Kids can roll the wheels to come up with new words. 21 sample words are already there on the Spelling Panel to guide kids. It’s education with gamification to hone children’s critical thinking skills. Call the Spelling Panel what it really is, Wordle for kids. This wonderful panel, made to withstand regular use, will help kids improve their vocab in no time. For young learners, it’s like an enormous, never-ending well of fun words. Lingo learning combined with playful activity is what you get in the Spelling Panel.  

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