When you choose to make the Royal Triple Station Sky Walker part of a public access fitness area, you’re giving people of all ages and fitness levels a real chance to improve their fitness in pleasant surroundings. This is one of the easiest kinds of workout machines to use and although there is an information board people will figure out quickly the best way to get the most out of the Royal Triple Station Sky Walker. Simply step aboard with a foot in each high-traction footpad, grab hold of the front bar and alternate the legs as if you were walking. The smoothness of this motion is not something that is usually experienced even when running, so people will stretch their thighs and calves much more than usual. Watch as people enjoy the gliding motion to tone leg muscles and balance their core to stay upright, improving overall flexibility which is especially important as our bodies age. The experience is made even better thanks to the fact that three people can use the workout machine together and chat as they swing their legs and feel like they’re walking in the sky.