Rhythm Group of Three

Rhythm Group of ThreeRhythm Group of Three
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Product Specifications

Model Number PMC005P
Age Range 2-12 years
Product Type Music

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

Rhythm Group of Three featuring Bongos, a Glockenspiel, and a Metallophone, offers a fantastic mix of rhythmic and melodic experiences for children from a young age. Each instrument in this set serves a unique purpose. Bongos encourage children to create beats and experiment with different rhythms. Since there are two drums, kids can either play it solo or collaborate with friends and use the dancing of their pals as a confidence booster. On the other hand, Glockenspiel adds a melodic dimension to the set with the satisfying bell-like tones it produces when struck with mallets. At the same time, one little musician can also secure their position with the larger Metallophone, which is similar to the Glockenspiel but with deeper, richer tones. Its soothing, resonant tones add a harmonious layer of sound to the music being played by the two other young artists. The Rhythm Group of Three is available in two finishes, namely Primary and Neutral, to ensure they blend in easily with your existing setup.  

Ask a Question

How much space does this take up?
from jebadahafsi transportvancouverWashington02/09/2023
Hi Jebadaha, thank you for asking about our Rhythm Group of Three equipment. These are three individual pieces that are sold together, so there are many options! I will be sending you the overhead dimensions by email.
The Answer from Ben Thompson, 02/10/2023