Double-Sided Safety and Welcome Sign

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Product Specifications

Model Number PFS049

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

What kind of a host doesn’t welcome the guests? A bad one! This Double-Sided Safety and Welcome Sign will ensure you never fall into that category. With this sign as the first interaction with your playground, visitors will immediately feel warmly welcomed. That’s precisely what you need to make your park community’s favorite. On one side, you can add a hearty greeting that makes your patrons feel right at home. The other side can contain all the rules and regulations of your playground. For example, is there an age limit for the swings? A certain dress code? Are pets allowed inside? This space can be used for anything that you want your visitors to know. You can choose a font of your liking to customize this Double-Sided Safety and Welcome Sign. Its height is perfect, too, allowing both adults and kids to read it comfortably. Plus, it’s weather-proof and highly durable, ensuring it stands firm and readable even after years.  

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