Assisted Chin Up Station

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Product Specifications

Model Number PAS001
Age Range 13 years +
Unit Size 4' x 3' 9"

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

Chin-ups work wonders on your core, back, and upper body muscles but they can be tricky at first. The Assisted Chin Up Station lets users master their chin up by providing a support platform. The seat is an especially handy feature for older adults or anyone who could use a little help getting around. Users can recharge their energy, catch their breath, and get back to hitting chin-ups. The Assisted Chin Up Station station is built with commercial-grade steel and handles outdoor conditions like a champ. The inground mounting makes sure it stays rock-solid and steady no matter the size of the individual using it. The bar is also firmly bolted to the steel posts so users can have peace of mind that it won't come off due to their weight. There are no concerns of discoloration and rusting either because the powder coating prevents moisture and other damaging agents from making contact with the steel.

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