Royal Triple Upper Body Combo Station

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Product Specifications

Model Number PFT064
Age Range 13 years +
Product Type Fitness Triple
Muscle Group Multiple

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

With Royal Triple Upper Body Combo Station, you can easily attract gym lovers to your outdoor space. It’s a great outdoorsy workout station where teens and adults can engage in different upper-body exercises for the chest, shoulders, and biceps. The best thing is that 3 people can use it at once, which saves time and prevents queues. The low-impact design of this neat fitness station also makes it perfect for school gyms to improve teenage users’ posture and help students ditch the sedentary lifestyle. It is also a great addition to your outdoor area for people who live a very busy life. They can hop onto it and get their workout done in no time. When it comes to its build quality, it is made from sturdy and durable material which means it will surely last for years to come and can withstand harsh weather conditions.  

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