It’s easier to supervise the children when they are intensely invested in playing on a structure. The sheer variety of climbing activities at San Ramon will leave kids with no time to think about mischief. Children can involve themselves in healthy physical activity by utilizing the various play elements and features of this structure. The Net Climber and the Vertical Inverted Horizon Climber are particularly every child’s favorite. They will enjoy testing their strength and exploring the different areas of the structure. The Maze Rung Vertical Ladder is another exciting option for children. Climbing it will be a rewarding experience as they’ll get to enjoy a view of the park from the top. The Tower of Rings is another fun feature that kids will love to climb on. A Saddle Slide at the end of the San Ramon makes sliding more thrilling due to its unique shape. It’s thinner and more compact than other slides. Kids will surely enjoy this unique sliding experience and will want to return soon.