Spark Series Short Bones Bridge

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Product Specifications

Model Number PECKP082
Product Type Component Only

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

The Spark Series Short Bones Bridge is sure to catch eyeballs with its unique, quirky design. Unlike a usual bridge with a flat floor and railings, the Bones Bridge is made of separate plastic pieced together to look like a ribcage. This is what gives it a unique look and makes children flock to it. Besides just looks, the bridge also checks all the boxes for quality and safety. Each side of the bridge is made up of five sturdy plastic pieces, all held together by strong metal rods running through them. The bridge looks somewhat like an open-air tunnel requiring kids to crawl their way across. Shorter kids can even stroll right through it without bending down. Another thoughtful design feature is the gaps between the rib-like pieces, which give kids little sneak peeks at their next adventure. These gaps also allow them to flex their skills to their friends and get the much-needed confidence boost. All this happens without the bridge shaking, thanks to the solid metal frame.  

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