Monkey Bar Roller Slide is exactly what it says it is, i.e., a roller slide with monkey bars affixed. This playtime-fun enhancer allows for versatile play options in a playground. Created for very young kids, it caters to their development needs. Young thrillseekers can play on it in safety, swinging from the bars with the help of the sliding surface. Monkey Bar Roller Slide is especially helpful for kids with limited abilities. An overhead ladder supports their movements & facilitates inclusive play. Static-resistant rollers keep the whole structure durable when kids are on board. That’s why Monkey Bar Roller Slide is an all-weather play structure to promote active play among preschoolers. Climbing and sliding - these two activities will help kids get over the ills of a sedentary lifestyle. Parents who want their kids to be more active from the start love Monkey Bar Roller Slide! This structure is sure to make kids return to it for repeated play sessions.