Sprawling out in four directions to quadruple the fun, the 4 Panel Rope Challenger features four climbing walls which are curved on both sides as well as four climbing nets to navigate. Climbing nets provide an awesome opportunity for children young and old to develop their sense of coordination and balance as they work their way in all directions. The whole structure is open and transparent so that parents, caregivers or teachers can keep an eye on all activities easily from across the playground. The curved climbing walls provide something unique and interesting in the playground and children will love to tackle them once they’ve mastered straight climbing walls. The underside of the curved wall is a real challenge to master but it is possible once children find out exactly which hand and foot holds to use to support their weight as they move across the equipment without falling off. The nets can also be used as part of a PhysEd class in schools in conjunction with other outdoor equipment to form an obstacle course.