Peak District

Peak DistrictPeak DistrictPeak District
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Product Specifications

Model Number PKP020P
Age Range 5-12 years
Safety Zone 31' 10" x 28' 7"
Child Capacity 28-32
Fall Height 96"
Post Diameter 3.5-inch
Product Type Spark

ADA Accessibility

Elevated 6 components
Ground Level 4 components
ADA Compliant

Product Share

Usa map
Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

Children love to climb and on the Peak District play structure, they can do it in a variety of fun ways. A main attraction for kids will be the Craggy Climber End Section joined by a Craggy Climber Turn Section for double the fun. Each side has a range of plastic molded holds for hands and feet to navigate their way around before climbing up onto the platform. There’s a Snake Climber that makes kids think about coordinating their hands and feet on the multiple rungs, and the Inverted Arch Ladder adds an element of balance to the equation. A long and bumpy Wave Slide and a twisting Right Turn Slide can be played on by crossing the Bones Bridge which connects the two square platforms under Line Roofs which protect from both sun and rain. Kids can explore the high seas on the Ship’s Wheel and a Single Drum will become a favorite of kids who love to make as much noise as they can during playtime.

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