Maximum Series Turn Slide

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Product Specifications

Model Number PECMF040
Product Type Component Only

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

The Maximum Series Turn Slide is a must-have addition to double the fun of your playground. It is made with flexibility in mind, which throws all fitting issues out of the window. So rest assured, the slide can connect to your decks of varying heights. It can also fit with any play structure, so have some creative combo ideas ready to maximize the fun. What really adds to the thrill is the curved shape of the slide. The body leans into the turn the entire ride, which makes for a unique experience exclusive to the Turn Slide. The rotationally molded plastic build of the Turn Slide helps it stand tough against any weather. This endurance helps it retain the smooth surface for a long time and gives it an extended lifespan. This means the ride ends without leaving a single snag or friction burn on the fabric or the skin. With many custom colors available, the Maximum Series Turn Slide can easily blend into your existing playground theme.