Maximum Series Long Bones Bridge

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Product Specifications

Model Number PECMF050
Product Type Component Only

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

Kids like challenges in the playground and the Maximum Series Long Bones Bridge is one way to provide them with it. This unique bridge suspends firmly between two equally elevated decks allowing kids to either walk or crawl through them. What gives the Long Bones Bridge its name are the plastic pieces, giving it the appearance of a ribcage. This is why kids find crossing the Long Bones Bridge more exciting and fun. The bridge also has no upper covering, so kids can raise their heads anytime and peek outside for some wind. The plastic pieces are held together with metal bars that pass through them at three points. This means there will be equal spacing between the bones of the bridge and no shake-ups. At both ends of the bridge, there are vertical metal bars to hold on to for a safe transition to the deck. They also block the gaps between the bridge and the deck, eliminating any risk of slipping off through them.

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