Get Physical Series Leaf Climbing Wall

Get Physical Series Leaf Climbing WallGet Physical Series Leaf Climbing Wall


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Product Specifications

Model Number PECGP019
Product Type Component Only

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

Kids can often find it challenging when facing a large climbing wall with multiple holds, but this Get Physical Series Leaf Climbing Wall is the perfect introduction to climbing. It has lots of easy-to-grab holds starting low to the ground so even the youngest children can try their hand at it. The smooth board provides a good contrast to the angular holds and children will learn they need to keep their body close to the face of the wall to maintain balance. Lots of motor skills are being tested at the same time on the Get Physical Series Leaf Climbing Wall as they need to learn how to balance, control their body weight as well as lift their feet onto holds that they might not be able to easily see. This replicated real life rock climbing and you can be sure that this structure is going to foster a love of climbing from an early age thanks to its accessible style.

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