Interactive Literacy Learning Games for Kids

It doesn't matter if you're outside on the playground or inside the classroom, there are plenty of ways to make reading and writing fun. Learning about different topics on the Internet has never been easier than it is now and there are games and activities everywhere you look on just about every topic imaginable!

Reading and writing can be and it is really entertaining to hear and read stories about different people and worlds. Plus, it can be just as fun to write your own stories and poems. Have you ever wanted to write down all of the adventures you and your friends had? You can! Writing is a great way to let off steam and allow your imagination to fly free. You can add details to your adventures that make it even more entertaining and then share it with your friends for them to read and enjoy. Maybe it will even inspire your friends to also write about the adventures you've shared.

It isn't just writing and reading stories that can be fun, other forms of writing are just as helpful and entertaining. Writing essays can help you get your thoughts out onto paper in a way that can help other people see your point of view and even teach them something new. Not to mention, writing letters allows you to talk to friends and family all over the world. Not only does it feel good to do something personal for somebody by taking the time to write down what's on your mind, but nothing tops the excitement you feel when you check the mail to see a letter in the mail that is addressed specifically for you.

There are a bunch of different types of writing that you'll learn about in school like stories, poems, essays, and plays. So much so that it might seem like too much to keep track of when you're learning about it at first. Maybe it's even enough to make your head spin! If you break it down into little pieces though, it's much easier to focus on all the different types of writing and reading. It is especially easier too when you have worksheets, activities, games, and interactive stories. Playing games may not seem like learning, but learning while you play is a great way to understand different topics all while you're having fun. Remember how easy it was to pick up how to play your favorite video game? It's just as easy to pick up a basic understanding of reading and writing while you are playing games on the Internet.

Writing Alliteration

Poem Generator

Alliteration Game: Match the Memory

How To Write an Alliteration Poem

Writing an Essay

Argumentative Essay Topics for Kids

Essay Writing Activities

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph or Essay

Writing Dialogue

Writing Dialogue

Voice and Dialogue Games

Writing Instructions

Writing Instructions for the Dragons (PDF)

How To Write Clear Instructions

Writing Labels

Labeling Activities

Writing a Leaflet or Brochure

An Animated Guide to Writing a Leaflet

How To Write a Brochure

Make Your Own Travel Brochure

Writing Letters

Introduction to Letter Writing

Learn the Parts of a Letter and Create Your Own

Type a Friendly Letter

Writing Your Own Myths

Myths Brainstorming Machine

Write Your Own Original Myth (PDF)

Writing Newspapers

How To Write a Newspaper Article

How To Format a Newspaper Article (PDF)

Writing a Play

Playwright Facts for Kids

Writing a Screenplay


Writing a Poem

Read a Poem

Create a Poem About a Monster

Interactive Theme Poems

Diamante Poem

Poetry Games

Poem Types

Writing Similes

Simile Examples

Simile Games

Matching Similes Games

Super Similes

Metaphors and Similes

Writing Stories

Writing the Setting for Your Story

Writing About Characters

Storytelling Games

How To Plan a Story

Writing Beginnings and Endings

Write Your Own Adventure Story


Proverbs Flashcards and Matching Games

Proverbs and Adages

Proverbs and Sayings


Recounts from World War Two

Interactive Stories and Fairytales

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

The Three Little Pigs

Fairy Tale Land


The Gingerbread Man

Little Red Riding Hood

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Where to Find More Stories to Read On Your Own

Read-Aloud Stories


Storyline Online

Written by: Ben Thompson