Safety is paramount on the playground while people can all benefit from the use of playgrounds and outdoor fitness equipment.
20 Playground Exercises to Achieve a Full-Body Workout Without the Gym Sun Safety for Kids on the Playground Get Outside and Play for Fun and Fitness Playground Safety and Health: The Importance of Vaccinations Staying Cool While Exercising Outside The Rise of Childhood Obesity: What Can We Do? Adult Playgrounds: The Benefits of Fitness Trails Building Motor Skills on the Playground Play Therapy Techniques Top Five Reasons to Use a Shade Think Outside the Sandbox: Creative Ways to Keep Kids Active The Benefits of Physical Education in School40 Reasons Why Play is Crucial for Brain DevelopmentInclusive Playground Games and Activities for Children with DisabilitiesBiking to the Parks, Playgrounds and Around Town: All About Cycling Soccer Glossary of TermsThe Mental Health Benefits of PlayThe Benefits Of Playground Swing Sets For Adults – Stress Relief And FitnessInjuries on the Playground: A Family’s First Aid Guide
9 Effects of Modern Gadgets on Children Development Why Playgrounds and Tic-Tac-Toe are important for Child Development Why Active Play is Necessary in Making Kids Healthier Multi-Sensory Playgrounds: Early Childhood Development Hubs Nature-themed Playground Project for Parents and Kids Play Therapy Builds A Better World For Kids 12 Fun and Interesting Ways to Get Your Kids Fit How Children Get Fit at the Playgrounds Let’s End Fat-Shaming among Kids, Shall We? Play Therapy: Fine Motor Skills 30 Reasons Why Play is Important for Children With DisabilitiesA Guide To the 7 Types of Learning DisabilitiesWhere in the U.S. Has the Highest Childhood Obesity Rates?Calories Burned per Minute of Different Physical ActivitiesA Kid's and Beginner's Guide to SquashAccessible Playgrounds that Empower Children with Special NeedsWhy Play is Important: The Health and Social Benefits of Playgrounds