Happy Hollow: The Perfect Toddler Tree Playhouse for Young Children

Happy Hollow PlaygroundHappy Hollow playlearnngrow

The Future of Play is Here!

Only $4,167.00


Welcome to Happy Hollow

Whimsy and wonder await infants,toddlers, and preschoolers in Happy Hollow! Kids will squeal with delight as they point out all of the forest friends resting on vines, hiding under leaves, and even hanging on the side of this colorful and cheerful infant tree playhouse. Check out our video to see how kids learn new skills while they play with Happy Hollow.

Meet the Forest Friends

Each feature of this toddler tree playhouse is designed to foster children's development while they play. Click on the Forest Friends below to learn about their benefits!

Bertie the Bluebird
Mailbox with Chimes
Shelly the Snail Drum
Stone Climber
Carl the Caterpillar
Bella the Butterfly
Marty the Sensory Mushroom
Vine Bench
Ferah the Firefly
Lily Lady Bug Spinner
Leaf Slide (3)
Windows with Peek
Happy Hollow Playground

See all the magic that Happy Hollow has to offer! Click on an image on the left to see how it can be used for your child.

Drag to spin

Explore the Benefits of This Toddler Playhouse

The Happy Hollow interactive tree playhouse for young children is bursting with possibilities to help kids learn and grow while they play! With plenty of opportunities for active play, imaginative play, motor skill development, and sensory stimulation, kids will flourish while playing in Happy Hollow. They can climb the little rock climber, slip their own mail through the mailbox slot, or play a song on the snail drum while making memories and having fun with their friends. Kids are sure to love this toddler play structure, and they'll learn while they play.

Why Do You Need Happy Hollow?

Sensory Development

Sensory Development

This toddler tree play structure has a variety of different textures kids can touch, flashes of color to look at, and animal sounds to listen to. Carl the Caterpillar has colorful rings that click and clack when they're played with, and Ferah the Firefly has eye-catching colorful beads. All of these sensory stimuli can help infants and toddlers to develop and grow their skills while they're having fun.

Inclusive Play

Inclusive Play

Everybody can play together in this infant tree playhouse! Its fun features are placed low to the ground so everybody can reach them. Whether kids are playing house inside or exploring all of the fun features all over the exterior together, Happy Hollow playground equipment is designed for all young kids to enjoy!

Motor Skill Development

Motor Skill Development

The Happy Hollow toddler playhouse is designed to help improve kids' motor skill development, whether they're spinning Bertie the Bluebird around or flipping levers on the mailbox. Every animal companion on this toddler tree playhouse and some of the plants are thoughtfully designed to foster motor skill development that can set the stage for kids to be able to throw a ball, hold a pencil, and handle other crucial tasks in the future.

Indoor or Outdoor Play

Indoor or Outdoor Play

Happy Hollow is designed to be versatile enough for use inside or outside. On beautiful sunny days, children can run outside and enjoy this infant tree play structure and connect the plants and animals to what they see in their surroundings. And when it's rainy, it's easy to move Happy Hollow inside so the kids can still have fun playing with their new favorite play structure.

Product Specifications

Age Range:6 months to 5 years
Unit Size:5' 7" x 5' 11" x 6' 2"
Footprint:5' 7" x 5' 11"
Fall Height:18"
Assembled Weight:285 pounds
Shipping Weight:360 pounds

Use Zones

6 - 23 months:11' 7" x 11' 11"
2 - 5 years:17' 7" x 17' 11"