Freestanding Spelling Panel with Posts

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Product Specifications

Model Number PFS044
Age Range 2-12 years
Safety Zone None required
Post Diameter 3.5-inch
Product Type Panels

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

When you add the Freestanding Spelling Panel with Posts to your playground you are giving children the ability to take control of their own learning. Thanks to the three spinning cylinders, kids can turn them around in order to make lots of three letter words. Younger kids will be surprised at the way a handful of letters can be arranged in so many ways to create a variety of words. It not only helps with letter and word identification and spelling, but it also assists with pronunciation too as they discover words that look the same might not always sound the same when said. If kids are still in the stage of learning phonics, then this fun panel is going to help them develop much quicker. It can be used by kids to explore on their own, or with some adult assistance. The posts and board are created from weatherproof materials so the Freestanding Spelling Panel with Posts will stay looking great through all seasons. 

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