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Product Specifications

Model Number PKP129
Age Range 2-12 years
Safety Zone 29' 6" x 31' 4"
Child Capacity 22-26
Fall Height 48"
Post Diameter 3.5-inch
Product Type Spark

ADA Accessibility

Elevated 5 components
Ground Level 2 components
ADA Compliant

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

You know you’ve installed a great piece of outdoor play equipment when the children’s main decision is which slide they should enjoy first. A Wave Slide provides giggling fun as it gives them a gentle bumping experience on the way down, the Right Turn Slide gives a twist as they spiral down and the Straight Slide gives them the ability to get down to ground level quickly. There’s a Gear Panel on the upper level underneath a Line Roof to keep them shaded from the sun or protected from the rain while they watch the colorful gears turning. Creativity is sparked with the Store Panel which encourages children to interact with each other, taking turns to be the storekeeper or shopping customer. Kids will love the novel way to climb up on the Figure Climber which features 16 knobbly grips to place hands and feet on, requiring excellent balance and coordination skills. Whether they’re battling fierce waves or ferrying passengers across the open sea, the Ship’s Wheel puts them in control of steering the SS Frederick as captain of the vessel.

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