Product Description
The Flower Face Topper is an inviting and friendly face that will encourage children to use the play equipment. The smiling face of the flower is surrounded by five large petals and it has an attachment behind to make it compatible with a playground pole. This pole will form the stem of the flower and whether you use just one Flower Face Topper or decide to add multiple toppers to the playspace, kids will love the fact their playtime is being watched over by this happy face and make them equally happy. The topper blends well with forest and jungle-themed playgrounds as its appearance is tropical and colorful. Children will be able to look up at any time during play and see this topper, and even if they have had a minor disagreement with a friend or bumped their knee, the Flower Face Topper will be there smiling down to cheer them up again. It’s made with commercial-grade molded plastic so it is guaranteed to last a long time.