If you want your playground to be more exciting and attractive, we have just what you need. This Curved Post Titled Lily Pad Bridge is a playful structure that kids will certainly love. It will put their balance and coordination to the test. As they move through the structure, they’ll eventually improve these skills. Besides promoting physical activity, it encourages kids to socialize, cooperate, and create their own games. The lily pads have a tilted design to make the adventure more challenging. As the kids cross the bridge, they’ll be mastering their movements. Every lily pad comes with an attached pole to offer support. It is safe and comfortable, designed to promote fun and fun only. Both the posts have a bar at the bottom to allow an easy entryway. Children can also sneak their way in by directly jumping on one of the lily pads. You can also get this Curved Post Tilted Lily Pad Bridge customized in any color of your choice.