If your playground doesn’t have an overhead climber, it's incomplete. Overhead climbers have an aura that naturally draws in children. This Curved Post Overhead Horizon Climber might be just the perfect addition to your outdoor space. It has an attractive design that will immediately pull kids towards it. Plus, it is not just an average climber - it’s more fun and more complex! The two posts are connected by a horizontal ladder lined with bars. The bars are just the perfect size for children to grab them while they swing forward easily. It’s a great way of testing their upper body strength and improving their balance and coordination. Besides, it’s also good for engaging core muscles and boosting kids’ confidence. Children can imagine they are crossing a swampy river, trying to escape alligators. Or, they can use their hyperactive imagination to come up with other scenarios! The Curved Post Overhead Horizon Climber invites endless fun and adventure that every kid is going to love.