The only limit to creating an awesome Craggy play structure is your imagination. One of the simplest and most effective ways to let children gain height on the structure is with the Craggy Series Ladder Connect. It’s a vertical bar ladder covered in a weather-resistant coating to ensure that not only does it stay looking amazing for many years, but that it also provides a safe and secure grip for little hands and feet. The outdoor apparatus can be as big as you want it when you make use of section connectors like this to join them together. The Craggy Series Ladder Connect brings transparency to the climbing wall sections so kids playing on either side can use these connections to chat and discuss their next moves. Many of the Craggy play equipment setups are ideal for challenges to see who can get from one end of the wall to the other without touching the floor, and the ladder helps children to stay off the ground as they transition from section to section.