Concord Station

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Product Specifications

Model Number PMF057
Age Range 5-12 years
Safety Zone 36' 7" x 56' 3"
Child Capacity 55-65
Fall Height 108"
Post Diameter 4.5-inch
Product Type Maximum

ADA Accessibility

Elevated 16 components
Ground Level 7 components
ADA Compliant

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Meets national standards for
ASTMF1487-17CPSCGuidelines #325

Product Description

This play structure resembles a megacity of fun for kids with different slides, climbers, decks, & panels. On top of Concord Station, children can chase a never-ending fun ride. This metropolis can be accessed via Spiral and Craggy Climbers. After climbing these rocky cliffs, agile kids return to the ground via a Spiral Tube Slide. A 3-story shaded tower serves as the central feature of Concord Station. Kids can play underneath it when it’s too sunny outside. They can easily reach the upper levels by climbing on different steps that promote physical activity and boost their coordination skills. The Sea Creature Climber has animal-shaped handholds to serve as the perfect setting for an imaginative climbing experience. The Car Panel and the Ship’s Wheel allow kids to call upon their imagination while remaining grounded. Many pathways connect these slides and climbers, promoting exploration and curiosity, almost like finding their way out of a see-through maze. With 25 individual play components, it’s All Aboard as the Concord Train leaves the station.

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