There are lots of fantastic features on the Cantankerous Crocodile that are sure to give kids everything they want from outdoor play equipment. Other than the Transfer Station, there are many ways to get up to the platform, the most exciting being the Incline Crawl Tube which lets kids enter the tunnel at one end and wiggle their way to the top, or use it like a slide and slip down inside it. Two Double Slides ensure kids don’t have to wait long for their turn to whizz down, and there’s also a Left Turn Slide. The platforms can be accessed by a Rock Hole Climber which has a rugged surface suitable for kids of all ages to find their footing on, and there’s a hole at the bottom that can be climbed through as kids pretend it’s a cave of secret treasures. A Covered Bones Bridge provides an exciting experience, as does the Bamboo Arch Climber featuring molded plastic like wood grain and rope effect.