Everything about the massive Bakers Ferry play structure is designed to foster creativity and improve physical fitness through play. Six slides provide ample opportunity to reach dizzying speeds, with one Right Turn Slide, one Straight Slide and one curvy swervy Spiral Slide coming from the platform. In addition to these there’s also an amazing way for three children to race each other thanks to a cluster of Left, Right and Straight slides right next to each other. While there is a Transfer Station for easy access, kids will be drawn to the more difficult options. These include a Rock Hole Panel that mimics a rock face, a Vertical Rock Climbing Walls for a real challenge, a Disk Climber with multiple circular steps, and a Snake Climber for innovative climbing and motor skill development. The sections are tied together with a curved Arch Bridge and on the bottom level children can get creative with a Car Panel for pretend vehicle fun, a Gear Panel for twisting movements, a Drum Panel to make sound with and a Bench Panel for when it all gets too much. There’s also a Rain Wheel to make the pitter patter sound of precipitation, a Ship’s Wheel to emulate a ship’s captain or submarine commander, plus a Bubble Panel to explore outer space in a rocket or a deep sea adventure.