Adaptive PE on the Playground and in the Gym

Everyone needs to be as active as they can be to stay strong and healthy. People with physical limitations need exercise just as much as people without disabilities. But physical limitations often make it necessary to design activities or classrooms to meet special needs. Whether you are playing outdoors on the playground or indoors in a gymnasium, exercise can help you be active and healthy. Physical education teachers have special training to give them ideas to help all students be active during school. Teachers can also use special equipment that will make it easier for you to play games and sports with balls.

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Kim Hart

Kimberly Hart, a native of Indianapolis, is a dedicated mother of two and a passionate writer specializing in topics such as active play, healthy lifestyles, and children's activities; she ensures her kids' health and safety through various sports and adventures. In addition to her role as a main content contributor for, she also spends her spare time volunteering and working as a life coach, helping individuals achieve their fitness goals. 

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