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Did you know that as of 2019, more than 3 million school-age children were reported to have some form of disability? That's 5.6% of the 53.4 million American children ages 5 to 17, which is probably a much higher figure than you thought represented children with special needs. Champions of accessible playground equipment had reason to rejoice, though, when the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) made it a basic civil right to be able to access play areas, with new standards set in place that required playgrounds to feature special-needs play equipment and surfaces that disabled children can use. It was a big leap for supporters of inclusion because the law was now on their side. Unfortunately, the ADA guidelines for special-needs outdoor play equipment only apply to playgrounds made or altered after March 15, 2012. This means that older playgrounds are not required to follow the rules set by the ADA, making many play areas still unwelcoming for special-needs outdoor play. This robs children of the valuable benefits of playing outside.
The Importance of Play for Special-Needs Children
At the heart of it, the effects of playtime are universal for all children. Playtime may look like fun and games, but it plays a very serious role in the holistic development of a child, ensuring that your little one has what they need physically, emotionally, and psychologically. For children with special needs, the road is rougher, though. Children with disabilities have to deal with a lot of challenges as it is, but they also can have poorer interpersonal relationships because many of them don't get as much playtime as their able counterparts do. They lose out on properly developing social skills needed to thrive in a social setting. But it's not that children with disabilities choose to stay on the sidelines: It's just that they can't join in when they want to because of a lack of special-needs play equipment. ADA playground equipment can change that experience. With ADA-compliant playground equipment, adapting play activity for special needs is possible. Children with special needs are provided the opportunity to gain a sense of individuality and self-confidence because they'll feel competent playing on playground equipment they can actually use. They'll also get the opportunity to do some learning through play. Special-needs children should never be excluded from these opportunities. And because all children can use the same equipment, this will foster social interaction not just between children with special needs but with all children.
The Importance of Special-Needs Outdoor Play Equipment
Increased time spent in a play area is good for your little one. But what happens when you have a child with special needs? You want to take them to a playground, but will they be actually able to play on it? They won't be able to unless it complies with ADA standards. Being treated like they are no different from ordinary kids is important to children with special needs because it gives them the opportunity to feel that they belong. They may be different in some respects, but with the help of ADA playground equipment, they can easily play with other kids from their neighborhood.
Playground Design and Inclusive Space for Special-Needs Outdoor Play
In order for an accessible playground for children to be effective, it must draw upon universal design principles that take into account the range of psychological and physical abilities that children have. A real playground for all kids will take into consideration that activities within the play space should create opportunities for children with varying abilities to interact with each other. A two-seat swing set, for example, does just this, allowing you to place a traditional swing seat next to an adaptive seat so that children can play together. While it may seem that an inclusive play space focuses more on aiding children with special needs, the truth is that it benefits all children. Regardless of ability, children get an understanding of the world and learn to appreciate differences when they play with handicap playground equipment, so they become more welcoming of diversity and accepting of perspectives that differ from theirs.
Let the Children Play
A variety of special-needs outdoor play equipment offers opportunities for all little ones to grow and develop, not to mention that specialized playground equipment can also be a haven for adults with special needs who have children or are looking for new ways to have fun and interact with others. The community stands to gain so much from simply getting the right playground equipment. With PlaygroundEquipment.com, innovative solutions for both residential and commercial spaces are available, so options await you no matter what kind of play area you are interested in. Make the most out of your efforts today with PlaygroundEquipment.com to ensure that children with varying abilities will have what they need to become the best they can be tomorrow.