35 Reasons Why Parks and Natural Spaces Are So Important

35 Reasons Why Parks and Natural Spaces Are So Important - PlaygroundEquipment.com- Infographic

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On August 25th, 1916, then President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill that the National Park Service was mandated to “conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and wildlife therein, and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations." Since then, people have explored and cherished these the 84.4 million acres of protected green spaces across America! There are countless reasons why these parks and other natural spaces are so priceless and impactful. This infographic seeks to celebrate and share these reasons!

Learn About the Author

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Kim Hart

Kimberly Hart, a native of Indianapolis, is a dedicated mother of two and a passionate writer specializing in topics such as active play, healthy lifestyles, and children's activities; she ensures her kids' health and safety through various sports and adventures. In addition to her role as a main content contributor for PlaygroundEquipment.com, she also spends her spare time volunteering and working as a life coach, helping individuals achieve their fitness goals. 

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