The 3-½ inch Top Rail Swivel Hanger for Tire Seats takes your tire swing setup to the next level. Rain, sun, or the usual wear-and-tear from kids swinging away, this hanger is designed to last in any scenario. The hanger is built with coated galvanized steel with a black rubber boot that allows a smooth and safe 360-degree rotation. With your tire seat hanging with it, there will be fewer chain tangles and less need for maintenance. There are three loops in the hanger for the three chains of a tire seat. The strategic placement of the loops helps distribute the weight of the swing, so it can last longer and perform better. So it takes just one 3-½ inch Top Rail Swivel Hanger for a Tire Seat with 3 Loops to hold a tire seat. And the installation is also a piece of cake. Just connect the shackles to the swivel, add the swing, and you're set.